
Master of Pharmacy Information

M.Pharm –
Pharmacy is an in-demand, high-paying profession. Only a B.Pharm degree does not suffice the ever-changing demand of the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacy profession. A Master’s degree or specialization in the field of pharmaceutical sciences is a must for a brighter future. Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in India is offered as a postgraduate course after completion of a B.Pharm degree. The M.Pharm course is normally of two years duration. As per the new Credit Based System of Mumbai University, it consists of two semesters (one year) of theory and practical examinations and two full semesters of research work. The course focuses on specialization in the field of pharmacy. The programs are intended to provide an immersive professional experience and an opportunity to acquire further competence either in one’s own discipline. At SWIP, we offer a full-fledged M.Pharm course in two important fields of pharmacy education.

Fields of Specialization:

  • M Pharm Pharmaceutics 
  • M Pharm Pharmaceutical Chemistry